The Doctors Reference Site 
ATSI Health

Indigenous Hotline 1800 556 955

Centre for Remote Health - clinical resources

NACCHO - National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation

RACGP National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Australian Indigenous Health Infonet. Helping to 'close the gap' by providing the evidence base to inform practice and policy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Indigenous HealthInfoNet The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet is a truly innovative method even by international standards – of making comprehensive, up-to-date information accessible to people interested in the health of Indigenous Australians.

Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (AIDA). The National body representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait doctors, AIDA produces a variety of policy papers and statements in order to address issues that affect our membership and Indigenous health outcomes.

Ear health (EarInfoNet)

AIATSIS map of Aboriginal Australia - Interactive

The Aboriginal Language Map attempts to represent all of the language or tribal or nation groups of Indigenous people of Australia.

It indicates general locations of larger groupings of people which may include smaller groups such as clans, dialects or individual languages in a group.

For more information about the groups of people in a particular region contact the relevant Land Councils.

This map is based on language data gathered by Aboriginal Studies Press, AIATSIS and Auslig/Sinclair, Knight, Merz, (1996).

David R Horton is the creator of the Indigenous Language Map.

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