The Doctors Reference Site 

Australian Immunisation Handbook  [Dept Health&Ageing] --

NIP National Immunisation Program Schedule [Aust Govt Dept Health]

ATAGI Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation

Covid Vaccine Eligibility Checker

Common side effects following immunisation [Aust Govt Dept Health]

National Vaccine Storage Guidelines ‘Strive for 5’ (3rd edition) 2019 [Aust Govt Dept Health]

Vaccine Storage and Cold Chain Management [NSW Dept Health]

Cold Chain Toolkit for Immunisation Providers [NSW Dept Health]

Smart Vax - Active Monitoring System. Smart phone app

AIR Australian Childhood Immunisation Register [Medicare] ph 1800 653 809

Vaccination Matters & Myth Busting [Qld Govt]

Australian Influenza Surveillance Report and Activity Updates [Aust Govt Dept Health]

National Centre for Immunisation Research & Surveillance [NCIRS]

Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA) [Aust Govt Dept Health]

Consumer phone numbers [TGA]

Speak to a pharmacist from NPS Medicinewise (link is external) about a side effect of a medicine or vaccine on 1300 134 237

Speak to the TGA about a side effect or defect of a medicine or vaccine on 1800 044 114

Speak to the TGA about a problem with a device on 1800 809 361


My Vaccination [GSK]

Vaccine Hub [Sanofi]

Community Immunity [Sequiris]

Covid Vaccination Training

Melbourne Vaccine Education Centre [MVEC]

AIR Help desk 1300 650 039

ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-training for health professionals 2021

Whooping Cough baby

Measles - informational

The Polio Story - The Vaccine That Changed the World

Suspected reactions to vaccinations
Vic -132 229 [Maternal and Child Health Advice line]
WA -1800 022 222 [Health Direct]
NT- 1800 186 026 [Health Direct]
SA- 1300 364 100 [Child and Youth Health Parent Help Line]

'Report A Problem' TGA

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This page was last updated on
01/04/2023 23:15:30